Our Troop has several Patrols.  Scouts are assigned to a Patrol by the Scoutmaster when they join.  There are numerous leadership opportunities within the Troop over time, as well as a chance for Scout Leaders to grow in each leadership role.

The Scouts elect a Senior Patrol Leader (who then appoints the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader(s)), and those Senior Scouts are responsible for leading all the Patrols when the Troop is acting as a unit. Each Patrol has a Patrol Leader, who is elected by the Patrol members.  The Patrol Leader may appoint an Assistant Patrol Leader, though this position is not recognized for leadership service for rank advancement.  Collectively, this group is called the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC).

Additional Scout leadership positions include such roles as Quartermaster, Camp Cook (usually assigned for campouts), Webmaster, Troop Historian, Librarian, Bugler and Chaplain’s Aide. These are allocated approximately every six months by the SPL and overseen by a ASPL.

Scouts plan the Troop Program at meetings of the Patrol Leader Council, as convened by the Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster. All Senior Scout Leaders, Patrol Leaders and the Scribe attend.

In addition, ad hoc Patrols may be created when a smaller group of Scouts attends a particular campout, or other event.  Learning to function as a Patrol (i.e., within a team) is one of the long-term goals of the Patrol Method.

Training for Scout Leadership roles is provided by Adult Leader guidance, through Introduction to Leadership Skills Training (conducted in Troop) and additionally at National Youth Leader Training, offered by BSA in the summer.  Ask the Scoutmaster for more information if interested.

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