Court of Honor Ceremony
Call to Order
SPL: Good Afternoon/Evening. Welcome to the June, 2013 Court of Honor.
My name is ....................... and I am the Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 72.
May I introduce ___________________ who will serve as Master of Ceremonies.
Will the Troop's Caplain's Aide ______________ please lead us in a Benediction.
SPL: The Color Guard will now bring forward our American Flag, a symbol of our
country and our freedom, as well as our Troop flag, a symbol of our Troop and a
record of our accomplishment.
SPL/ASPL/PL: Please Rise for the Presentation of the Colors.
Color Guard Please Present the Colors. Scout Salute!
{Bugler plays}
Thank you ........................ Please join me as we pledge our allegiance to our flag.
(Pledge of Allegiance.)
SPL: Scout Oath!
{Scout Oath}
Thank you for joining us at our Court of Honor, where we recognize the
accomplishments of our Scouts: their Rank Achievements and Merit Badges
We will now present the Rank Advancements.
Reader: ___________________
Scout Award
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:........................................................
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
You have decided to become a Boy Scout. Millions of boys have gone before you
to participate in a program designed to bring adventure, fun and achievement to
their lives. In the process, they learn new skills, make new friends, and develop
self-reliance and leadership skills. Welcome to our family of Scouts and Scouters
and good luck on your track to Eagle!
Reader: ___________________
Tenderfoot Awards
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
You have achieved the second rank in Scouting: Tenderfoot. The requirements
for this rank offer a taste of some of the adventures you will enjoy in Scouting,
and have given you some of the basic skills you will need to take part in those
adventures. There is a lot of challenge in earning the Tenderfoot Badge and might
soon find yourself doing things you had only dreamed about before.
Reader: ___________________
Second Class Awards
Will the following Scout(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
You have earned the Rank of Second Class. You have earned the rank of Second
Class by gaining a better idea of the skills you need for Scouting an your life
beyond Scouting. As you receive your Second Class, you have started chartering
your course through Scouting and you will need to follow this path.
On this path, your Scout Spirit will be developed and built up by the way you do
things, including your efforts to be trustworthy, to be helpful, and to live up to the
other points of the Scout Law. All through your life you may never find any more
meaningful words than, "On my honor, I will do my best."
Reader: ________________
First Class Awards
Will the following Scout(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
By the time a Scout achieves his 1st Class Rank he should have mastered all of the
skills in the Scout Handbook. Wearing the 1st Class badge does not just show that
he has passed certain tests There should be no past tense implied. On the
contrary, the badge strongly declares, "I can, reight here and right now!"
So what can a 1st Class Scout do? First, he is an outdoorsman. He knows how to
camp, swim, hike, use wood tools safely, build a fire, use a campstove, and find
his way with a map and compass. He's spent at least 20 days and nights camping
out in a tent he pitched on a site he selected. Many of those times he planned his
own menu and cooked his own food. he can tie the knots and lashings necessary
to build his camp.
The 1st Class Scout is comfortable with nature. he can identify local animals and
plants, including poisonous plants. He understand the causes of water, land and
air pollution, and has worked to safeguard the environment.
The 1st Class Scout has begun to learn about citizenship - something that will be
stressed further if he works on his Citizenship Merit Badges. He knows what it
means to be part of a family, a community and a nation. He knows how our
Nation came to be, and understands its symbols. Importantly, he has discussed
his rights and responsibilities as a citizen. he understands how to treat, handle,
and respect the flag.
The 1st Class Scout embodies the Scout motto, "Be Prepared." he knows how to
treat fractures, head injuries, hypothermia, convulsions, lacerations and
abrasions, frostbite, burns, muscle cramps and knocked out teeth.
Finally, a 1st Class Scout is now in a position to lead his Troop and fellow Scouts.
Reader: ___________________
Star Scout Awards
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
A leader is a person who is going somewhere - but not going alone. He takes
others with him. The skill that makes people willing to follow him and ready to
work with him is a precious skill called leadership. This skill is made up of many
qualities - thoughtfulness and consideration for others, enthusiasm, the ability to
share responsibility with others, accountability, and many other traits that
Scouting experiences encourage. To be a Star Scout these young men must have
shown leadership in our Troop. Your service to the troop is appreciated, and we
look forward to more from you.
Reader: ___________________
Life Scout Awards
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
To the boy who can come up with the solution, a problem is a stepping-stone.
Life for every young man is a series of opportunities, of doors into the future,
doors that are only opened by the key of Preparedness. The Scout Motto, Be
Prepared, is more than an idle phrase. Scouting is the best all-around training for
young men that we know of. As a new Life Scout, you have further demonstrated
your willingness to lead and serve, while acquiring more life skills through the
merit badge program. You now stand at the threshold of a great opportunity: an
accomplishment which will only be achieved by 4% of those boys who join
Scouting: the chance to become an Eagle Scout. All of us here congratulate you
on your latest accomplishment and wish you well as you look up the steepest part
of the Scouting advancement trail.
Reader: ___________________
Eagle Scout Awards
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
{Handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
The Eagle is the highest recognition offered in Scouting. It is earned through the
advancement program. The wearer of the Eagle Award is the embodiment of
Scouting's best efforts and beliefs. _____________________ has distinguished
himself through his continued performance of active service in Scouting. He is
trained and practiced in his leadership abilities and he is marked by the character
gained through an understanding of his citizenship and religious beliefs.
Reader: ___________________
Eagle Palm Awards
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
Eagle Palms are awarded for continued leadership and skills development -
earning Merit Badges - after the Eagle Scout rank has been earned.
These palms keep the Scout active within the unit, contributing to the leadership
and assisting with the growth of the other Scouts in the Troop.
Bronze Palm - 5 additional Merit Badges
Gold Palm - 10 additional Merit Badges
Silver Palm - 15 additional Merit Badges
Reader: ___________________
Merit Badges and Certifications
The BSA Merit Badge program allows boys and young men to explore many fields,
helps them round out their Scouting skills, and perhaps introduces them to
subjects that will become lifelong interests and rewarding careers. In addition,
advancement establishes a pattern of setting positive goals, and then working to
achieve those goals - a critical life skill.
{Presentation of Merit Badges}
Reader: ___________________
MC: Let's give a round of applause to all the Scouts to recognize their
achievement and hard work!
Retiring of the Colors
MC: Please stand for the retiring of the colors.
Color Guard Advance!
Color Guard Retrieve the Colors!
Scout Salute!
Color Guard Retreat!
{Bugler Plays}
I declare this Court of Honor completed.
Scouts Dismissed.
{Adult Announcements}
{Join us for Refreshments}