The Troop holds 3 Courts of Honor per Year, in the Fall, Winter and Summer. The Fall and Winter Courts of Honor are usually on a Monday evening while the Summer Court of Honor is over a weekend and is usually held in one of our local Forest Preserves and coincides with a Troop picnic. 

The Court of Honor is run by a scout who writes the script and works in conjunction with the Advancement Chair and Scoutmaster make sure that his fellow scouts are awarded the ranks, Merit Badges and other Awards that they have earned. He also acts as the Master of Ceremonies.


Eagle Scout Courts of Honor can be held in conjunction with a Troop Court of Honor but, quite oftne they are held separately.  They are scheduled by the Eagle Scout meeting Eagle Scout requirements.

Families are invited and encouraged to attend all Courts of Honor, which typically combine a formal awards ceremony and a social gathering immediately thereafter.

Example Scripts can be found on the left.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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