September 2015 Court of Honor
............................................... - MC
Call to Order
SPL: Good Evening. Welcome to the September, 2015 Court of Honor. My
name is ...................................... and I am the Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 72.
SPL: Now please rise for the Invocation presented by .........................
and remain standing for the presentation of the colors.
Color Guard Please Present the Colors. Scout Salute!
 [U.S flag = ......................... Troop flag = .........................]
 Please join me as we pledge our allegiance to our flag.
(Pledge of Allegiance.)
SPL: Scout Oath!
{Scout Oath}
SPL: Thank you for joining us at our Court of Honor, where we recognize
the accomplishments of our Scouts: their Rank Achievements and Merit
Badges earned. Firstly may I introduce Brendan Lawless who will serve as
Master of Ceremonies.
MC: Hello and welcome our Fall Court of Honor. We have had a very busy
troop over the summer. We have had Scouts go to Philmont Scout Ranch,
Makajawan, National Youth Leadership Training and the National Order of
the Arrow Conference. We earned 146 merit badges and a large number
of Scouts advanced in rank. We will start with the merit badges. When
we read your name, please come up to collect your merit badges.
[ASPL’s ......................... and ......................... share responsibility for reading and handing
out merit badges] 
We will now present the Rank Advancements. There has also been quite a
bit of rank advancements. Fourteen Scouts advanced since our last Court
of Honor. We want to share a bit about each rank whether we had a
Scout earn that rank in the past months or not.

Reader: .........................
A Scout brings new blood to the troop and is beginning their journey
hopefully to Eagle. In order to achieve this rank the Scout learns the
basics of Scouting.
The second rank in Scouting is Tenderfoot. The rank is achieved by
knowing basic knowledge of Boy Scouts and giving you a “taste test” of
what is in the future as you continue your Scouting career.

Reader: .........................
Second Class
Will the following Scout(s) please come forward:
• .........................
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
You have achieved the rank of Second Class by gaining more advanced
knowledge of things that are critical to Scouting such as map & compass,
knives, fire building, leave no trace and first aid. You are also developing
independence and skills that will serve you well in life.

Reader: .........................
First Class
Achieving First Class further opens up a world of possibilities and
You will be comfortable with nature, make useful lashings and knots
around camp, how to use what tools correctly and have developed your
outdoor skills further such as cooking and campsite setup.
More junior Scouts are looking up to you as a leader and example.
Other skills get more advanced such as navigation, first aid, and plant
identification In fact, by the time a Scout achieves his 1st Class Rank he
should have mastered all of the skills in the Scout Handbook.
You are also active in your troop. “Be Prepared” and “Do A Good Turn
Daily” are a daily part of your life and the way you operate. 

Reader: .........................
Star Scout
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
• .........................
• .........................
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
At the Star rank you are a more active member of the troop and Scouting.
You have earned 6 merit badges including 4 from the required list for
Eagle. You have contributed at minimum of 6 hours in service projects,
but many contribute more.
In leadership positions you take a critical role in running the troop
Becoming an Eagle Scout is still quite the challenge, but you are getting
closer and better understand what is expected.
The Scout Oath and Law are clearly a part of your everyday life.
The learnings never stop, but now you are also passing them on to
younger Scouts.

Reader: .........................
Life Scout
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
• .........................
• .........................
{Award is handed out with handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
Congratulations. You have made it to Life Scout which is the final rank
before Eagle.
You have now earned at least 11 merit badges and have contributed at
least an additional 6 hours of service project work.
While you are still learning, you are teaching others the skills to help
them move forward in Scouting and life.
There are many “almost Eagle Scouts”. You could stop now, however you
have the foundation and are capable of taking the next step. The
steepest part of the trail is ahead. Last year only 6% of all Boy Scouts
completed that journey - will you?

Reader: .........................
Eagle Scout
Will the following Scouts(s) please come forward:
• .........................
• .........................
{Handshakes from SPL, MC and Scoutmaster}
Congratulations! You have achieved Scouting’s highest recognition. Over
the 100+ years of the Boy Scouts, only 2% have achieved this rank. You
have dedicated a number of years to Scouting and “once an Eagle, always
an Eagle”. Much is expected from you going forward in terms of the Scout
Oath, Scout Law and your leadership.
This concludes the main part of the Court of Honor. I would like to now
turn it over to Paul Manfredini who will facilitate the Eagle Court of
[At conclusion of Eagle Court of Honor]
MC: Let's give a round of applause to all the Scouts to recognize their
achievement and hard work!
Retiring of the Colors
MC: Please stand for the retiring of the colors.
Color Guard Advance!
Color Guard Retrieve the Colors!
Scout Salute!
Color Guard Retreat!
{Bugler Plays}
I declare this Court of Honor completed.
Scouts Dismissed.
{Adult Announcements}
{Join us for Refreshments}

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved